Magic Item (Item Type)

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While there are many "magic items" in Neopets, Magic Item refers to the item type. Items within this type are wide ranging, and is considered the "unsorted" selection of items, because they are used in the Battledome as Battledome Equipment, have special effects when used on Neopets, act as tokens for specific areas on the website, or serve no purpose at all. The most common item this item type contains is Morphing Potions, which take up well over half of all Magic Items. After that, an assortment of healing potions take second, followed by scattered Battledome Equipment and then non-use items. Some of these items are given away freely by dailies, but most of them can be bought from the Neopian Magic Shop.


  • As of December 2006, there are 613 different items labeled as Magic Items. Only 2 Paint Brushes exist in this category, and they are the Starry Petpet Paint Brush and the Lutari Paint Brush (of which colours don't exist for yet).

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