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Kym's Random Musings - Issue #2

Written by: Shoyru_Lover

Kym's Random Musings - Issue #2 - In Circulation #21

(Never short enough to be pointless, never more than 1,000 words)

17th August 2005

--- ISSUE #2 ---

Ok, so let’s see, it’s Tuesday night (technically Wednesday ‘morning’ because it’s 34 minutes past midnight but I digress…) and I’m in my bed, my sexy apple power book (phear the powa!) on my lap, a big pint of apple and mango juice on my dresser table, and me, in this bed, luxuriating in the warmth that is my room.

My room is warm, because my air condition/heater is on. I only figured out how to make my room warm about an hour ago. There’s this little button on my controller that says “Heat” mode. I had to press it to make my room warm. This doesn’t mean that I didn’t know this before, I did, I just somehow must’ve turned it off by accident all those other times I was trying to get the room warm, and went all those times thinking my room heater was broken!

I remember going to a formal this year with a call I affectionately call T. Me and T are tight, so it was without surprise that we went in search of a mango ice drink at the designated formal venue. Funnily enough, the mango drink tasted like everything but mango.

Someone mentioned that even though I’m the most oddly happy person, in a lot of the photos I show people, I’m not smiling. On the contrary, I do smile in almost all my photos. However, the photos I post online are ‘posed’ shots, mainly promotion shots and album cover shots. In the music world, there are three basic rules in these kinds of shots. The first one being, choose a grungy dirty place to take a photo. If there is none, simply make the photo black and white. Secondly, there must be absolutely no smiling. None. Whatsoever. The subject must attempt to look as existentialist as possible. Third, if there is more than one person, everyone must not smile (see rule two), and one person must look away from the camera.

Today (or yesterday if you please), I woke up feeling extremely happy, beyond happy… like the game the Sims, where they sing in the shower because they are euphoric. I felt chills going down the back of my spine and on my neck the entire time. It felt good. Of course, being in the middle of winter may have something to do with the chill part. Of course, the day was beautiful. The days where it’s suppose to be cold, but there’s a golden sunlight that basks everything in its warmness, those are the days I live for.

I did the most stupid thing today (or yesterday). I downloaded all these eBooks and decided to print them out to read at my own leisure and to avoid burning the insides of my eyeballs from staring at the computer screen. I think I printed out over 1,000 pages… there’s literally a stack of paper sitting in my room. What happened?!

I want to gain weight. I am currently 70kg and want to be 95kg. No matter how much I eat or what I eat, I can’t gain anything! Sometimes, when I try to gain weight and eat twice or three times as much as usual, I end up losing weight. Jesus hates me.

I was watching Grey’s Anatomy yesterday (two days ago). Grey’s anatomy is a new television series in Australia and it was episode two. In one part of it, one of the interns steals medical equipment from the hospital to treat illegal immigrants outside the hospital to protect them. I wonder if, the law would be able to maintain a charge of theft against her, given that the appropriation (taking of the goods) was done for good moral reasons?

My mum bought me over 20 trucker caps today… caps… hats, I love you. I place you on my head and you fill me with your hatty goodness. Yes, yes, YES!

I have decided to make a prototype of a bag me and my friend discussed. It shall have space for everything including a big laptop, be good for your back, not be chunky and be made out of renewable source of bread so that the missing chunks of bread (which we eat when we’re hungry) automatically grow back. In addition, it must look very nice, and have tiny little legs so it can stand up by itself and possibly run away if it should feel like it. There should also be a security system build into it that shoots teeth at people who try to open it and take out its contents.

I showed the photo shoot photos I took recently to a few friends. A lot of them commented that I look like a Koreon singer. Intrigued, I showed another friend who was knowledgeable in this area who promptly showed me pictures of who they were talking about. One of the photos in particular, was a group boy-band shot of the guy. The thing was, I couldn’t tell who was who. They all looked the same to me.


Life has its ups and downs. It’s how you stand tall and learn during the down that defines your character and how much you’ll enjoy the up.

There are three stages to real learning. The first is reading or listening, thinking you understand but you don’t. The second is thinking you finally understand it, but you really don’t. The third is actually experiencing it, and then finally understanding it, and then thinking that all you really need to do is read all the other advice, and spend time considering them to understand them. Of course, this isn’t the case and the entire cycle repeats.

To err is to be human. To err excessively is stupid.

To achieve what you want, write down the big goal, then break it up into mini-goals, and write down how you will achieve the mini-goals, one by one.

The biggest gift you can give another person is your genuine time. To let them know that you have time for them, and that you’re a person willing to share their good times, and lend an ear during the bad times.

Don’t carry all your text books into school thinking you’ll use them all, you won’t. At the end of the day, you’ll only have used one, and you’ll have a sore back from lugging around the school equivalent of 60 cannonballs all squished into one bag.


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