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Guide to 50 Neopian Professions

Written by: Lillie

Some Neopians identify themselves as Battledomers, Gamers or Restockers. Are you one of these or are you looking for something different to call yourself by?

This comprehensive guide lists fifty different occupations in alphabetical order. Italicized jobs are those jobs included in other sections of this guide. Joint jobs are often suggested, but not all of them are mentioned. Browse through at your leisure and maybe you will get some ideas.

  1. Adoption Agency Owner: Most of the pets in the Neopian Pound were abandoned by thoughtless owners. They're not rare and have unoriginal names full of underscores, numbers, and chat speak. They're really not that attractive - so this is where you come in! Foster a pet and make it happy - feed it, bring its stats up a bit and maybe even paint it. (The Lab Ray is your best friend in the long-term.)

    If you don't want to leave your foster pet to strangers, find a good owner and hope that you can successfully transfer it. Sometimes this doesn't work out so don't go crying to TNT. It's not their fault or responsibility - they make it clear that anyone can adopt a pet once it's in the Pound. For this reason, do not give the pet weapons or a Petpet. Some players will remove them and then abandon the pet all over again.

    You can join one of the many Adoption Agency guilds to meet like-minded individuals.

    Often a joint job with Lab Ray Owner or Guild Member. There's little money to be earned with this job, but know that you are doing a good deed for the pets of Neopia.

  2. Architect: Design the exterior of your Neohome to be the most beautiful one around. Make sure the exterior of the building is in harmony with its surroundings, because that is what an architect is all about. Maybe you'll even win the Neohome Spotlight! You won't get any money prizes but you will have a lovely trophy.

    Often a joint job with Interior Designer and Landscape Designer.

  3. Artist: Are you handy with a pen or a graphics whiz? Make use of your talents to enter the Art Gallery or the Beauty Contest. With prizes up to 20,000 NP for the Beauty Contest and 10,000 NP for the Art Gallery, as well as a rare item and a nice shiny trophy, this could be a nifty source of income. There's also the chance to submit comics to the Neopian Times.

  4. Auctioneer: Sometimes people will pay more money for an item than the cheapest deal on the Shop Wiz is going at so you can make a reasonable profit. (No doubt it's those pesky Faerie Quests that prevent you from using the Shop Wiz.) Alternatively, you can try and get cheap deals and resell them later. If you choose this option, you'll really need to know what's a good bargain and be able to time your bid exactly right so you are the last one to bid - and win. You'll also need to be patient while refreshing and waiting for the next great thing to come along. There's no NP limit that I know of, but be sure to check this.

    Often a joint job with Shopkeeper.

  5. Avatar Collector: There are many avatars for the NeoBoards on offer. There are the default ones and the secret ones you can unlock. Many people try to get as many avatars as possible because really, they are awesome little pictures. Some of the methods may not be for free so you'll need time, patience and money. Not to mention dogged perseverance.

  6. Battledomer: Ah, one of the more 'traditional' jobs. For this you'll need to spend money on making your pets powerful through the Academy on Krawk Island and the Training School on Mystery Island. You'll also need money for some good weapons, and maybe splurge a little on faeries to get those useful little abilities. There are many Battledome challengers you can seek out for yourself, not to mention other Neopian players. Still need something to do? Take part in Defenders of Neopia and fight those challengers to get some shiny trophies. If you're still bored, beat up Punchbag Bob and get a trophy for that (although that's going to take you a long time, and I mean long). Browse through the IDB to really learn your stuff about weapons and battle-related topics. Then sit and wait around for the next war.

    Often a joint job with Restocker or Scientist.

  7. Billionaire: Not satisfied with just being a Millionaire or meeting the bare minimum for that Ultimate Riches! Bank account? Save up, save up, save up! Eventually you'll become a billionaire - although you'd better keep quiet about it, because it certainly isn't dignified to flaunt your wealth - and maybe you'll be happy with that money. (I know I would be.) Still, you should be able to make it if you persevere and if you've already hit the Millionaire mark.

    Often a joint job with Shopkeeper or Gamer.

  8. Book Award Member: A prestigious award given to the most intelligent pet in Neopia, this is a costly membership that is sure to recognize you as one of the elite if you get into the top 200. Be sure to read as many books in Neopia as you can and don't forget to do the Faerie Crossword to continue exercising those brain cells. Hang around the Book Shop and make a dive for those newly published books.

    Often a joint job with Restocker or Gamer to pay for membership (i.e. more books).

  9. Chatter: If you enjoy talking to people, you can visit the Neoboards and make some friends. Do abide by Neopets' rules and be careful of what you say, because there are nasty people who may report you just for the fun of it. You'll also need to be able to read chat speak and have a high tolerance, because sometimes, you may just want to scream. As this doesn't earn you money, you'll need another job that does bring in the cash.

  10. Collector: Some people like to collect as many of one (or more) item as they wish and hoard them in their SDB or display them in their shop or gallery. If you choose to display them, you will need to pay money to increase the shop/gallery size and that's not mentioning the money you're already paying just to collect these items. May the joy of seeing the number rise enchant you forever more. Or maybe you're single-handedly trying to raise the market value.

    Often a joint job with Shopkeeper or Gamer.

  11. Contestant: There's loads and loads of contests to join, including a Random Contest. You earn prizes from most of them and trophies from all of them if you win and you certainly can have lots of fun while you're at it. (This job is not quite the same as Trophy Hunter, although they both earn trophies from contests.)

  12. Doner: Donate items to charity, such as the Money Tree. Maybe some poor new player will pick it up, but be aware that a rich one might. Or just gift random people and amaze them with your generosity. There's no profit to be made (who knows if that rumor about random events increasing in frequency if you donate items is true).

    Often a joint job with Restocker or Gamer.

  13. Employment Agency Employee: Every ten minutes there are jobs going at the Employment Agency. Some jobs pay amazingly well and some don't. It's better not to go for the jobs that ask you to score points on a game as it's not worth it. Go for the higher paying jobs in the thousands category - just make sure that the items you're being told to get don't cost more than what you're going to be paid. If you find you make a mistake, it's better to fork over the money to cancel the job without it appearing on your resume. As we all know, a bad resume is not good as it keeps you from moving up the employment ladder. You can do five jobs a day.

  14. Explorer: Explore Neopia and find out all those stories you never knew about.

  15. Fanboy/Fangirl: If you've got a particular passion for a certain Neopet, Petpet, Neopian character, item or McDonald's, you can show your love for the subject to the world! Base your user lookup, your pet lookup, pet page, shop, gallery, avatar and speech around it! Build a site displaying every little 'did you know' fact about the topic and be as obsessive as you can possibly be.

    Often a joint job with Shopkeeper or Gamer.

  16. Fan site Helper: There are many fan sites dedicated to Neopets out there. One of them is the one you're accessing right now. There are many others, though, and most of them are welcome to new suggestions, news, game guides and so on. There are many ways in which to help your favorite fan site.

  17. Fan site Owner: Maybe you want to create your own fan site with its own bits of information, guides and tips to playing Neopets, or whatever your fan site is about. This takes a lot of hard work, but players will no doubt be grateful to you for your efforts.

  18. Flea Market Customer: What I call the flea market customer - in other words, a person who picks up extremely good deals on the Shop Wiz. Occasionally you will find people who under price their items by a lot and you can dash into their shop and gobble them up before anyone else does. The items may range from Codestones and Faeries to hairbrushes and eye make-up. Whether you're aiming to be a high-flier or a small business, it doesn't matter. It's pure joy to be able to make a good deal, especially if it's a 1 NP shop.

    Often a joint job with Shopkeeper.

  19. Forum Member: Join a forum such as PPT and make new friends. You can discuss Neopets and non-Neopets, and learn ways of making money or finding help to certain problems and find new enjoyment in Neopets itself.

    Often a joint job with playing Neopets, but many forum members no longer or have never played Neopets.

  20. Freeloader: Otherwise known as cheapskate. You hang around the Money Tree in order to get those more expensive items, even though you really may not need them as much as the next new player does. But hey, freebies, right? What's the real difference between this and getting the daily free items that Neopets offers? If you really want to know, it's because everyone can get a free item from Neopets - but not everyone can get free items that someone else earned from the Money Tree, especially without a fast connection. Whatever rocks your boat.

    Often a joint job with Shopkeeper. (I have a personal theory that you can only get 5 items a day from the Money Tree, but this has never been confirmed.)

  21. Gallery Owner: This is a job that isn't likely to get you an income. Even if you win the Gallery Spotlight - which is worth 10,000 NP and a trophy - you're probably not going to make a profit. Most galleries cost far more than 10,000 NP and the owners update them more out of a passion to their subject than anything else. If you want to own a gallery, just open one up (now separate from your shop) and pick a topic that you won't mind spending millions of NP on. If you're aiming for that Spotlight, be original and creative and pick something really wild and weird. Put together a suitable description and a background (consider slow connections, please!) and go for it. The pleasure of this job comes from seeing your hard work and effort in a well-presented gallery. You may be able to resell items for a profit if you really want to, as prices often go up, but what real gallery owner wants that?

    Often a joint job with Shopkeeper or Gamer to earn NP to support the gallery. Unlikely to earn money from gallery items and also must pay for the enlargement of the gallery.

  22. Gambler: As a general rule, I don't encourage gambling (and certainly not offline). However, if you can become a professional gambler on Neopets, the chances are you will make a profit. That's because the odds are in your favor if you only know how to play them right. Games such as Scorchy Slots, Fruit Machine, Coltzan's Shrine and Dice-A-Roo have been known to give pretty good items. There are many other games that give a profit in the long run, so learn which ones they are and how to play them right. Avoid the ones that are out to take money from you and be sensible about how you play your cards.

    Often a joint job with Gamer.

  23. Gamer: Ah, you're a regular pro with those games! You might specify in one or a few games, or maybe you're one of those whizzes who can play anything and everything. No wonder you've won more than a few Better Than You’s! Keep bringing in those trophies and stay on those high score tables for as long as you can.

  24. Gourmet Club Member: So you're one of those refined elite who can feed their pets the choicest foods of rarity 90 - 100, eh? Those pets had better appreciate you because wow, is this one expensive membership. No prizes, unless you can count the prestige that comes with being in the top 200.

    Often a joint job with Restocker or Gamer to support the membership cost (i.e. more gourmet foods).

  25. Guild Member: If you're looking for people to bond with and things to do, join a guild that shares a common interest with you. There are literally thousands of guilds out there to choose from, so take your time and pick well. Guild-hoppers are generally disliked so do be dedicated. You may meet more friends in a guild than anywhere else in Neopia.

    Often a joint job with Shopkeeper or Gamer as this is not a job that is supposed to earn money.

  26. Guild Owner: There are many guilds in Neopia which have a variety of activities and purposes, ranging from sharing a common interest in Neopets or away from Neopets (such as musical tastes) and trying to make life better for certain Neopians, whether they are abandoned pets, poor Neopians or just Neopians seeking to become Millionaires. It takes a lot of work to run a guild and you're not meant to earn money from it, so this requires passion and dedication. You'll need to be a reasonable, organized and likable person. However, it can be a lot of fun to see your hard work come together and see members having a good time.

    Often a joint job with Shopkeeper or Gamer.

  27. Interior Designer: Design the inside of your Neohome with class and flair. Make it really drop-dead gorgeous and have every visitor go 'Wow' when they visit. There's hundreds of furnishings to choose from that's now on the market. Like all real houses, it's going to cost a pretty penny depending on what you do, but you'll have the pleasure of doing it. Maybe you'll even get that Neohome Spotlight!

    Often a joint job with Architect and Landscape Designer.

  28. Investor: If you can play the stock market well, you may just be able to bring in NP in the millions! Each person is allowed a limit of 1000 shares per day and you can only purchase shares that are trading at 15 NP or above. Since I don't play the stock market, my advice is limited, although I heard from someone who did rake in hundreds of thousands of NP that he had left his portfolio for a long time. I don't know how much value is in that statement, though, so why not give it a go for yourself?

  29. Journalist: Try your hand at journalism and submit articles to the Neopian Times! This Neopian newspaper is also for serial writers and short story writers. If you are accepted ten times, you get a cool avatar into the bargain.

    Often a joint job with Writer.

  30. Landscape Designer: Fill the garden with aesthetically pleasing plants that suit your Neohome on the outside. Be aware of the effect of placing certain plants next to each other.

    Often a joint job with Architect and Interior Designer.

  31. Millionaire: It's a dream of many to be a millionaire and even though this is just virtual reality, it still feels good to say, 'I'm a millionaire!' Whether this is good practice is another matter altogether. There's even a Millionaire Mega-Platinum bank account just for you millionaires. If you're happy with just being a little ol' millionaire, this is for you. This job requires a lot of saving and earning money. Fortunately, there is a rather measly daily bank interest to help you along on your road to riches, not to mention the many guilds that show you legitimate ways of becoming wealthy.

    Often a joint job with Shopkeeper or Gamer.

  32. Neoadventurer: Enjoy playing Neoadventures on the Neopian Adventure Generator? There are many different categories to choose from. You can even try your hand at making your own Neoadventure and sending it into the Neoadventure Spotlight. If you win, you'll receive an astounding 10,000 NP and a trophy for your efforts!

  33. NeoDeck Owner: You can collect certain cards around a theme of your choice to display. There are some really nice ones around and you can enjoy looking at the pretty pictures.

    Often a joint job with Gamer.

  34. NeoQuest Player: Whether you play NQ or NQII, the popularity of these RPGs has resulted in its own NeoBoard and much heated discussion. NP can be earned each time you reach a new level. Check out the IDNQ for a guide to both NQ and NQII.

  35. Pet Carer: This doesn't sound like much, but I assure you, it's the whole reason why people join Neopets in the first place. Are you so caught up with being bigger and better that you neglect those adorable pixels that attracted you in the first place? Treat your pets to good food instead of those free omelet’s or those disgusting dishes at the Cockroach Towers. Give them a good grooming, play with them, paint them, and give them presents. They deserve a treat for having you as their owner.

  36. Quest Helper: On the Neoboards there is a board with the specific intention of helping people who get Faerie Quests. Generally, helpful Neopians do a search on the Shop Wiz to find cheap deals for the quest-seeker and paste the usernames or links to the shops down. Little hassle and a sense of goodwill pervades. Unless you are given a gratitude gift, you earn no money, but that's not the purpose of this job anyway.

    Often a joint job with Shopkeeper or Gamer.

  37. Quest Seeker: While you're waiting for one of those Faerie Quests you so love doing to arrive, why not look for another quest you can do? There's the Snow Faerie, Edna, the Esophagor, the Brain Tree and Kitchen Quests to do. You can make a profit if you know what you're doing but if you're not careful, you can lose some money too. Sometimes even when you're being careful you just might be unlucky and you might make a loss, but on the other hand, you can also be supremely lucky and make a good profit. Patience will be needed to wait for those seconds to tick by for an outrageous quest before you can ask for another one.

    Often a joint job with Shopkeeper or Gamer.

  38. Referral Program Member: There's a referral program on Neopets where you earn money or items for every person you refer to Neopets and makes an activated account.

  39. Restocker: For this job you need a speedy internet connection and a lot of patience. Main shops have certain restock times, so learn when they are and hang around at that time to see whether any good items come up. (Remember to refresh.) You'll have to haggle with the shopkeepers and click on pictures to get that item and unfortunately, you'll be competing with dirty players. Still, if you are a tranquil person and can keep your wits in a game of speed, you just might make a hefty profit on some really cheap deals. Learn what is worth the money and what is not.

    Often a joint job with Shopkeeper.

  40. Role Player: Role playing is a way of creating a world and playing out the lives of characters you can never otherwise know. There is a Role Play board on the NeoBoards and some are apparently fine. Having never played there myself, I cannot really offer my opinion, but I'd like to recommend role play sites on forums such as PPT. I am not being biased. Really.

    Often a joint job with Writer.

  41. Scammer Hunter: What a noble profession! You search out those scammers and report them to TNT, getting rid of those who like to play dirty. You may also report those who break the rules big-time (but aren't scammers). Be forewarned that this may be a risky profession, depending on how you play the game.

    Often a joint job with Shopkeeper as this doesn't earn you any money, just satisfaction.

  42. Scientist: In other words, a Lab Ray user. Obtain all nine of the treasure map pieces and go to the Treasure Maps page to access and use the Lab Ray. There are some dangers in using the lab ray, but the effects are generally positive overall. It's extremely expensive to get, but it's worth it in the very long run.

    Often a joint job with Battledomer or Adoption Agency Owner.

  43. Shopkeeper: Most people own a shop that can range from Size 1 to Size (Insert a Really Huge Number). The top dogs probably earn plenty of money from regular customers but I wouldn't know - I'm not a top dog, after all. All the same, selling items can bring in a regular source of money. It sure is nice to withdraw money from that shop till. Or try to sell your items faster than anyone else so you can make fast NP. (You'll need a steady source of items, though.) Take note that items priced at more than 100,000 NP cannot be bought, though.

    Often a joint job with Restocker or Gamer. To increase shop size, you need to fork over some money.

  44. Sitebuilder: Are you able to code with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and all those nasty codes I can't make either head or tail of? Your skills are much envied! You can build your own unique user lookup, pet lookup, pet page, gallery lookup, shop front - the choices are (almost) endless! No real prizes unless you can win the Gallery Spotlight but hey, at least everyone can envy your beautiful lookups.

    Often a joint job with Shopkeeper or Gamer.

  45. Stamp Collector: There are many stamps to collect and many collectors who try to get them before anyone else. There's even a Post Office Kiosk dedicated to this little hobby.

    Often a joint job with Restocker.

  46. TCG Collector: Instead of cards for your NeoDeck, why not collect cards for your TCG Album? Equally shiny cards are available on Neopets, with real ones on sale offline.

  47. Trader: Got an item worth more than 100,000 NP that you can't sell in your shop that you don't want to auction? Try the Trading Post. You can trade up to 10 items and people can bid money, items or both for your trade. There's nothing more annoying than a vague, or completely absent, message about the trade. Be clear and state exactly what you want for your items. Alternatively, you can try and pick up some good deals here. (The trade limit on pure NP is 800,000 NP, so if you want to sell/bid for more, you'll have to accept/use items of equivalent value for the rest of the item.)

  48. Trophy Hunter: Want to extend that Cabinet of yours to display all the shiny trophies you can lay your hands on? Good luck. You'll need to master games, the Neopian Times, win contest after contest - Better Than You, Mystery Pic and Lenny Conundrum, to name a few - fight in the Battledome, enter wars and all those other potential ways of winning a trophy. It's going to take a lot of hard work and skill, but most of the time, you're going to earn a lot of money. Plus you get to wow everyone with the huge number of trophies you're managing to rake up.

  49. Unreleased Items Seeker: Everyone knows that Neopets has new items on their server that they haven't released to the general public yet. Some people are pros at finding those new items. It's really quite amazing how they manage to do it.

  50. Writer: Got the itchy bug to write, write, write? Try your hand at writing for Pet or PetPet Spotlight. Just trophies here, so if you're looking for money, there's the Story Telling Contest for you wielders of words and the Poetry section for poets. Prizes are 2000 NP and 1000 NP respectively, not including the rare item and the equally shiny trophy for your Cabinet. If you'd rather be a comic, enter the Caption Contest and send the public into fits of laughter. You just might win that 10,000 NP top prize, as well as the rare item and trophy.

    Often a joint job with Journalist or Role Player.

And of course, there are all those other things you can do and be if you think about them some more. These are only some suggestions as to what you may do. Hopefully this will have helped you find something enjoyable to do on Neopets.

Author's Note: Does anyone remember this and this? This guide is the long overdue product of these two original pleas for help. Many thanks go out to all those who contributed and I am sorry this is not more spectacular. All mistakes in this article are naturally my own.