Harlis Neyhbol

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Harlis Neyhbol 2006.gif

Harlis Neyhbol is a Fire Grarrl and was Goalkeeper for Tyrannia's Yooyuball team between 2006 and 2012. Sometime before 2006, Harlis went out in front of the net and, without even moving a muscle, he watched as one shot after another sailed past him. Something was keeping him from going after the ball, but no one knew what, be it nerves or lack of consistency. His problem became so bad he even spent a few years out of the game. Then one morning, he found everything was back to normal, and within a week he'd signed on with Tyrannia.

In 2013 Team Tyrannia and Team Moltara exchanged Goalkeepers, therefore Harlis became the new member of Moltara's Team. As a Goalkeeper, Harlis has good hands, reflexes, and passing ability.