Angry Tax Beast

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The Angry Tax Beast collects a tax from an unfortunate Kacheek.

The Angry Tax Beast is a red imp who travels Neopia collecting a tax from users as part of a random event. He first appeared on November 12, 2004. When the Angry Tax Beast appears, he steals twenty-five percent of the Neopoints that the user has on hand. There is a High Score Table for the Angry Tax Beast, and trophies are given out to the users who lose the most money to him.

A related monster, the Tax Beast only takes 10% of user's on-hand Neopoints.

Random Event[edit]

There is one random event involving the Angry Tax Beast:

Bg neopia central2.jpg
Not been paying your bills, eh? The ANGRY Tax Beast arrives and takes 25% of your Neopoints away... because he is ANGRY.
Tax beast angry.png

After receiving this event, the user will lose 25% of the Neopoints that they have on hand. Neopoints that are stored in the National Neopian or a shop till are not affected by this event.

External links[edit]