Northern Watchtower

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The Northern Watchtower is a tower near the entrance to Faerieland in NeoQuest 2. The security here is trapped due to all the invasion and rebelling.


1st Story[edit]

  • Guardsman Wertam: A Nimmo guarding the front entrance.
  • Guardswoman Janna: An Aisha guarding the front entrance.
  • Guard Captain Okara: An Eyrie guard who tells the players about the Faerieland dark faerie rebellion.
  • Quatermaster Calam: A Skeith merchant who sells weapons and armour. He also provides a free inn.
  • Guardsman Sevitas: A Gelert guarding the rear entrance.
  • Guardswoman Kemtami: A Wocky guarding the rear entrance, who thinks it's crazy to go adventuring given the current state of Faerieland.

2nd Story[edit]