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Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:40 am

i'm in a graveyard with tons of undug graves! but my task happens to be testing bones... ugh. where are all those untouched bones? :(

Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:40 am

bodyart wrote:Is there a graveyard out there that needs diggers?

yep, 9P6269J

Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:42 am

missnk wrote:
timlucier wrote:
CloudAngel wrote:
mercurius wrote:I love being able to see all the different types of pets. I don't normally go to people's lookups but digging up graves allows me to see many different types. It's pretty cool. :-P

100% agree. I've been thinking the same thing. I love seeing the "unusual" pets - especially the royals - someone actually painted a moehog royal? really? :roflol:

lol... theres some where you can't even tell what they originally were. I saw a mutant hissi and i thought it was some kind of hydra... lol

Lol. Same here. Mutant xweetoks are horrid! I think they're one of the most prettiest pets, but the mutant one looks ghastly! Reminds me of a hyena, that one. :D

Hey...:( I have a mutant Xweetok, and a mutant Hissi. XD I love my mutant Xweetok, he's a sweetie. Though I'm planning to paint him ghost after I get my Meowclops.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:44 am

thegreenside wrote:STOP with the double postings.
it's very clealy stated it isn't allowed http://www.pinkpt.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2223

who double posted?

Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:45 am

CloudAngel wrote:
mercurius wrote:I love being able to see all the different types of pets. I don't normally go to people's lookups but digging up graves allows me to see many different types. It's pretty cool. :-P

100% agree. I've been thinking the same thing. I love seeing the "unusual" pets - especially the royals - someone actually painted a moehog royal? really? :roflol:

Another thing I like about seeing all the different people is you can see just how international the game is. It's mostly Americans on right now, but I was on earlier this morning and I was seeing people from all over the world. It's pretty cool. 8)

Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:47 am

heeeey polomoche.... your back :)
oh i was going to say last night, i LOVE your dance of the ghost meepits set.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:52 am

timlucier wrote:heeeey polomoche.... your back :)
oh i was going to say last night, i LOVE your dance of the ghost meepits set.

me too! Did you make those yourself or what? Where would someone go to say aquire the great sets of sigs? the one set with Ilere is fantastic too! Oh, and don't leave out CauldronCake's Sophie...I love it!

Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:55 am

<3 Thanks for the complements guys. Yah, I made mine myself, but there are some folks around here who might make you one if you ask them nicely. In the art board I think. :)

Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:58 am

Navar57 wrote:
timlucier wrote:heeeey polomoche.... your back :)
oh i was going to say last night, i LOVE your dance of the ghost meepits set.

me too! Did you make those yourself or what? Where would someone go to say aquire the great sets of sigs? the one set with Ilere is fantastic too! Oh, and don't leave out CauldronCake's Sophie...I love it!

^_^ Awww, thanks!! ^_^ I wanted to make it animated, but I got tired and just left it as it was. I wasn't going to do a Sophie sig 'cause there are so many of them...but she's my favourite character. ^_^

Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:59 am

Navar57 wrote:
timlucier wrote:heeeey polomoche.... your back :)
oh i was going to say last night, i LOVE your dance of the ghost meepits set.

me too! Did you make those yourself or what? Where would someone go to say aquire the great sets of sigs? the one set with Ilere is fantastic too! Oh, and don't leave out CauldronCake's Sophie...I love it!

you guys should enter them in the contest.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 3:00 am

CauldronCake wrote:^_^ Awww, thanks!! ^_^ I wanted to make it animated, but I got tired and just left it as it was. I wasn't going to do a Sophie sig 'cause there are so many of them...but she's my favourite character. ^_^

I wanted to make mine animated too, but I don't know how to do anis yet... :oops:

Mon Oct 23, 2006 3:01 am

timlucier wrote:
Navar57 wrote:
timlucier wrote:heeeey polomoche.... your back :)
oh i was going to say last night, i LOVE your dance of the ghost meepits set.

me too! Did you make those yourself or what? Where would someone go to say aquire the great sets of sigs? the one set with Ilere is fantastic too! Oh, and don't leave out CauldronCake's Sophie...I love it!

you guys should enter them in the contest.

There's a contest?? o.o

Mon Oct 23, 2006 3:01 am

I've been enjoying watching other people's pets, I saw a room full of babies and now I was in a group of all faerie types. There was a buzzard looking pet...Was that a Lenny?? No clue...

Dig, Dig, Dig, no PB or really "rare" things, I have a ton of donuts and ghost marsmallows to win a trophy in the Gourmet Club... :o

Let me get back to the frantically digging for a Paintbrush duty... :P

Mon Oct 23, 2006 3:03 am

polomoche wrote:
CauldronCake wrote:^_^ Awww, thanks!! ^_^ I wanted to make it animated, but I got tired and just left it as it was. I wasn't going to do a Sophie sig 'cause there are so many of them...but she's my favourite character. ^_^

I wanted to make mine animated too, but I don't know how to do anis yet... :oops:

^_^ Your's would probably look better animated than mine. ::can just see the dancing meepits::

Mon Oct 23, 2006 3:04 am

i'm testing bones but now methinks digging is more fun
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