Whether it be a puzzle or a war, this is the place to be for all your plot related needs.
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Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:45 am

bluehypnosis wrote:Haha....you have this all thought out :) And I'm agreeing with you....

Maybe the reversal was done so that the villagers can be "utilized" to attack whoever is trying to ruin his master plan? (then we will have a war for sure)

Ooh, I like how you think. That would explain why they look different.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:12 am

fifi888101 wrote:The mutated mother of Sophie is scary...I've never seen a mutated zafara!

I own and love a mutant Zafara on my main. *huggles Zam* Although she looks nothing like Sophie's mum. :P

If we do have a war, I also think bluehypnosis' idea is the best way TNT could go about it. It would certainly explain why everyone in the town suddenly looks so... gruesome.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:18 am

bluehypnosis wrote:
Siniri wrote:I think his boss is the SoS. I know you made the point, bluehypnosis -- I meant to imply that by the italics, but that was lazy -- I should have said I was agreeing with you.

A hypothesis -- he gave the potion to his henchman so that the townspeople would summon him and pay whatever price he asked -- he feeds on their souls, so they only appear on Halloween in spirit form. But why'd he agree to revert them then? I guess I need to keep working on this theory...

Haha....you have this all thought out :) And I'm agreeing with you....

Maybe the reversal was done so that the villagers can be "utilized" to attack whoever is trying to ruin his master plan? (then we will have a war for sure)
i totally agree with u.i foresee the commencement of a war this week.brace yourselves. :hug:

Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:22 am

ugh...no war...violence is not the answer...

Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:27 am

pinkflamingonewsgirl wrote:ugh...no war...violence is not the answer...

Well, it hasn't been for the last couple of plots, anyhow...

It's about darn time we resort to the ol' 'beat it until it goes away' method. 0:)

Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:31 am

I hope they have it on levels then...like: easy medium hard because my bets are lamely unprepared for the battledome.

Even easy peasy would be great...so that would be easy peasy easymedium hard

Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:16 am

Many of you seem to misunderstand how wars have worked in the past. The most recent war, the Curse of Maraqua war, was a huge disaster, because they put people in "ranks" and they could only get points from opponents of a certain difficulty level based on their pet's stats. It was a huge mistake, because people with weak pets got many hundreds more points than those with rank 2 pets. Those of us who focus on the battledome and train our pets were at a disadvantage to those that didn't.

The best format for war was the original Meridell War, with unlimited opponents, 2 teams, and you could get points from any one of the opponents available to you (the opponents representing the team opposite your own). Everyone could participate and get a trophy and points, and the stronger pets could defeat more powerful opponents a higher number of times, and get a higher score as a result.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:30 am

I agree that the Maraquan war format was not good. Players with stronger pets ought to get higher scores, because they did, after all, train their pets up. It was terribly unfair to them.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:39 am

Training? Anyone said training?

Since the Lost Desert Plot, my battle pet went to have stats of hit points, attack and defence of 132 to over 750.

So when I hear people complaining they wouldn't like to have a war because they have a weak pet, I have absolutely no compassion for them because if I have a stronger battle pet, it is because a lot of money and codestones were invested in its training at the detriment of everything else.

I want a war to battle and I want a fair retribution for those capable of beating stronger opponents.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:43 am

CURSE this plot!!! I hate it.. it lacks involvement...

i could use some war.... bring it on!!! :evil:

Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:47 am

Hmm, yes I see your point. And yet do you see any plots that require a high intelligence for your pet? It's the same thing, you need money to get a higher intelligence rating and money to get higher stats. The only difference is you have to wait for your pets to finish training before they can start training again. I think it would be cool to have a war plot, or a battle anyway considering this isn't a war plot...but I think there should be another option at least. Or that they should broaden the spectrum of plots. Puzzle/riddle plots test the player's knowledge and puzzling skills, war plots test the pets "training" (or the money put into said training), there should be plots that test other areas of the pets, not just their battle stats.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:55 am

CauldronCake wrote:Hmm, yes I see your point. And yet do you see any plots that require a high intelligence for your pet? It's the same thing, you need money to get a higher intelligence rating and money to get higher stats. The only difference is you have to wait for your pets to finish training before they can start training again. I think it would be cool to have a war plot, or a battle anyway considering this isn't a war plot...but I think there should be another option at least. Or that they should broaden the spectrum of plots. Puzzle/riddle plots test the player's knowledge and puzzling skills, war plots test the pets "training" (or the money put into said training), there should be plots that test other areas of the pets, not just their battle stats.

The only problem with this being people that have only been members for a matter of months....or people like me that hasn't been experienced enough until recently to earn money and learn how to battle....

I agree that older more experienced pets should get more points...but some of us can't fight the battles you more experienced neopets players can.....We still need to be put into some sort of "bracket"....or maybe given a handicap....lol....i don't know.....it's late and I'm tired and I wanted something to happen tonite! As a matter of fact...so many ppl in here have promised it would! lol...

Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:59 am

There are opponents of different difficulties to fight, so the weaker pets can just fight the lower leveled ones, which are easier to kill but also give fewer points, naturally. Those players a few months old usually do that, while those who've trained up go for those worth more points. Those who train simply end up getting more points. My understanding and impression of handicaps is that they are there to help those who are less able to acheive, in order to get everyone's scores around the same. I think part of the war is to, in a way, give recognition to those who train by letting them score at points.

I quite agree that other traits of a pet should be focussed on as well, but people tend to concentrate on training BD stats, and I'd think TNT would want to appeal to these people. ><

Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:05 am

Split. :)

New thread: http://www.pinkpt.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=30132
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