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Written by: Xil

Yes you’ve heard right, war is coming to our fair Neopia, and we must gather together all the force we possibility can! Leave no stone unturned! Smash those snowballs! Break out the weapons and lets all go farm crazy on the ene-Wait?! What’s this?! WE HAVE TO CHOOSE SIDES?!

Yup, you heard right again (or read, for those silly little logic people out there). This new war comes with a definite twist. We must choose between good and evil, light and darkness, Rune and Jim (coughhackwheeze). Choosing between Hannah and the forces of the Thieves Guild may be quite difficult for you so, being the kind man I am, I've listed advantages to each side:

Hannah's Team

-Cool compass!

-Are able to say you fought for a beautiful maiden of treasure.


-You'd be a hero of Neopia!

Thieves Guild

-A Group of THIEVES! You'd be the coolest kid on the block (or not-so-kid).

-You'd be working with a Mynci, a cuddly Mynci

-You could cackle a lot, and have a bunch of cool poses that you can do whenever the good guys show up.

-Possibility of overtaking Terror Mountain…and THE REST OF NEOPIA MUWAHAHAHAHA!

Gosh, now even I, the great Xil have no idea what side he will pick...Good...bad...happy...sad...Rune...Jim, alas, I suppose I must now decide using a greatly respected Battledome move! EENIE MEANIE MINIE MO!

See you next *next* week folks!