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Battledome News

Written by: Xil

This week the Battledome saw the addition of several new weapons, including the Chomby Charm Bracelet. Many people speculate that this new bracelet may be a freezer, which in turn means that the woth of the h4000 Helmet may fall in price even more.

Although this promotes a uniform “GROAN!� form all those who readily profited off the helmets during the Wars, many of us are giving a uniform "YAY!" cause it means we will not need to pay outrageous prices for freezing weapons.

In other Battledome related news, Maracite weapons are coming. Rumored to be the hardest substance under the sea, Maracite may be used to defend New Maraqua. Although no one is sure where this plot is going (except for those guys at the IDB ), good things are generally expected.

Well, not much else has happened in the Battledome this week, so y'know...keep training and preparing for war! See you folks next issue, when hopefully, something good has happened!