Common Acronyms

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Acronyms are commonly used by the Neopets community. An acronym is a series of letters that represents several a phrase, usually the first letters of the words or syllables in it. To a user unfamiliar with their usage, Neopian acronyms may seem confusing. The following is a list of some common acronyms, in alphabetical order for convenience.

Contents: Top - 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


  • AC: Avatar Chat, the NeoBoard where users engage in avatar-relating conversations.
  • AFC: Air Faerie Crown, a popular Battledome Equipment.
  • AI: Artificial Intelligence, referring to the way computer challengers, such as the 1-Player Challengers in the Battledome, play against a user based on specific patterns.
  • AP: Attack Pea, a popular Battledome Equipment.
  • ATM: Short for "At the moment", usually referring to auctions or trades.


  • BC: The Beauty Contest.
  • BFC: Black Frost Cannon, a piece of Battledome Equipment.
  • BN: Before Neopia, referring to times before recorded History of Neopia (or before Neopets began).
  • BD: Battledome, where Neopets get to fight against other Neopets or Villains of Neopia. Can also mean Battle Duck, a type of Battledome Equipment.
  • BD Chat: Battledome Chat, a Battledome-orientated NeoBoard.
  • BGC: Bony Grarrl Club, a Battledome Equipment which gives users an avatar when equipped to their Grarrl.
  • BoD: Bow of Destiny, a Battledome Equipment received as a prize from NeoQuest II.
  • BoHD: Bag of Healing Dust, a Battledome Equipment.
  • BoK: Bracelet of Kings, a Battledome Equipment from the Hidden Tower.
  • BoLHS: Bag of Lenny Healing Seeds, a Battledome Equipment.
  • BoMS: Bottle of Magic Sand, a Battledome Equipment.
  • BRB: Chat speak for Be Right Back.
  • BSS: Blumaroo SlingShot, a Battledome Equipment.
  • BTM: Brain Tree Mace, a Battledome Equipment.
  • BTY: Better Than You
  • Bzzt: Bzzt Blaster, a Battledome Equipment.


  • C-Blade: CarrotBlade, a Battledome Equipment found in the Hidden Tower.
  • CATFB: Chomby and the Fungus Balls, referring to a band and a retired game.
  • CB: CarrotBlade, a Battledome Equipment found in the Hidden Tower.
  • CE: Cursed Elixir, a Battledome Equipment.
  • CF: Chia Flour, a Battledome Equipment item found in the Hidden Tower. Also short for "Congratulations Feeders", in reference to the Kadoatery.
  • CG: Cyodrake's Gaze, a plot from 2006.
  • Coll: Short for "Collateral".
  • Collat: Short for "Collateral".
  • COM: The Curse of Maraqua plot, and sometimes its respective NeoBoard.
  • CP: Caustic Potion, a Battledome Equipment received as a prize from Illusen's Glade.
  • CS: Clawed Shield, a Battledome Equipment which can reward an Avatar.
  • CSC: Cardboard Sprout Cannon, a Battledome Equipment found in the Hidden Tower.
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets. An extension to HTML which can set default style attributes for a HTML tag (that has been defined in the doctype) or style attributes for a specific class or ID. Frequently used within Neopia to customise User Lookups and Shops.
  • CWoS: Cloudy Wand of Storms, a Battledome Equipment.


  • DBD: Dark Battle Duck, a weapon that used to do 10 icons damage in the Battledome, but following being downgraded is not as valued any more.
  • DEB: Dual Expert Bow, a retired and expensive Magic Item.
  • Def: Defence, a statistic of a Neopet that influences how well certain shields work.
  • DMB: Dusty Magic Broom, a valued weapon sold at Haunted Weaponry
  • DoN: Defenders of Neopia
  • DPP: Downsize Power Plus, a single use Defense Magic item which protects a Neopet from all forms of damage.


  • ECA: Everlasting Crystal Apple, which can be eaten countless times and not disappear from a users inventory.
  • EKST: Enchanted Kiko Squeeze Toy, a multiple use defence item against all water damage in the Battledome.
  • ELL: Entangling Lenny Lasso, a powerful weapon for Lennies to use in the Battledome.
  • ENT: Evil Neopets Team, an acronym used often to refer to The Neopets Team when they're particularly unpleasant.
  • EoE: Essence of Esophagor. Battledome weapon which has large damage output at a cheap price.
  • ETS: Easy to sell, referring to an item that can be turned into NP quickly, due to high demand.


  • F-Ray: Fungus Ray, a powerful Battledome weapon which could be redeemed from a Rare Item Code.
  • FaIB: Fire and Ice Blade, a Battledome weapon from the Hidden Tower which is similar the ones used by the Battle Faerie.
  • FB: Florbix Blaster, a Battledome weapon which received fame when it was changed from a Jet Pack, making the otherwise useless item come in high demand.
  • FC: Fan Club NeoBoard.
  • FFQ: Fountain Faerie Quest, a rare Faerie Quest that can alter a Neopets colour to any available for it.
  • FPot: Freezing Potion, a Battledome weapon sold at the Hidden Tower.
  • FSS: Faerie SlingShot, a Battledome weapon which could be made from the Cooking Pot, now all but impossible now that the ingredients for making it are retired.
  • FTP: First to post in a NeoBoard.


  • HATIC: Hannah and the Ice Caves, referring to the plot, the game, and sometimes to its respective NeoBoard.
  • HATPC: Hannah and the Pirate Caves
  • HC: The Help Chat of the NeoBoard.
  • HH: H4000 Helmet, a very valued weapon in the Battledome.
  • HoH: The Hall of Heroes, an important location in the Altador Plot
  • HP: Hit points, the amount of total health you have. It is important in the Battledome.
  • HT: The Hidden Tower, in Faerieland, that sells many rare and expensive relics.
  • HTML: Hypertext Markup Language, the mark-up language in which all webpages are written.
  • HTS: Hard to sell, referring to an item that cannot be turned into NP quickly, due to low demand, despite what it may be perceived as being worth due to rarity.



  • K: A symbol following a number, meaning thousand, from the SI prefix kilo-.


  • IQ: Intelligence Quotient. Adam Powell has an IQ of 174.






  • R#: The rarity of an item, e.g. r99.
  • RE: Random Event
  • RPG: Role Playing Game. Neoquest and Neopets: The Darkest Faerie are both considered RPGs.
  • RS: Restock, referring to the act of Neopet shops filling their stores, or the method users use for their own shops.
  • RSing: Restocking, referring to Neopet shops fulling their stores, or a method users use for their own shops.




  • UB: Unbuyable, referring to an item which can't be bought through stores and only through the Trading Post due to its high price.



  • XHTML: Extensible Hypertext Markup Language, the stricter, cleaner form of HTML.


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