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Topic locked I mean me has Wii problems

Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:55 am

Yeah, thought this was the right forum. My Controllers dont work, and when insert a disk into it (Wii OR GameCube), it gets stuck and ejects it. and no, I aint insering the disk on the wrong side. I tought that too, and flipped it reverse, but nothin happened, except the stuck...

Any help fort Wii... er... me?

Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:37 am

This may seem stupid and obvious, but maybe your controllers are out of batery? Sometimes mine go flat every couple of days. I have no idea about the disk thing, but I inserted mine in the wrong way, and didn't release for a few days, when I accidently put it in the other way.

Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:54 am

Ric wrote:This may seem stupid and obvious, but maybe your controllers are out of batery? Sometimes mine go flat every couple of days. I have no idea about the disk thing, but I inserted mine in the wrong way, and didn't release for a few days, when I accidently put it in the other way.

As for the batteries, thatd be a no. I tried removing my cable's controller batteries and switch to the Wiimote, and nothin. the Wiimote's battweries worked on the controller though.

And what did you do to remove the disk?

Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:52 pm

Basically, after putting a disk in the wrong way, it got stuck or something and wouldn't eject, so I had to turn off the power (turning off the Wii didn't work). Then it rejected then disk, I figured out I put it in the wrong way, thanks to the incedibly informative manual, and all were happy.
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