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Wonder-fully Sarcastic Screenies

Mon Oct 04, 2004 6:28 am

Have a :hug: and sit down! I have some wonderfully sarcastic screenies on my wockys page.

screen name:soup_farie240

So check them out and possibly give some feedback?

If you do I will <3 you forever!

And if you would be so kind, perhaps find a page counter that TNT will let me use? :oops:

MattEdit: This kind of post belongs in the Screenies thread. So, this is locked for that reason.

Also, you made a second post in the P&P board. Please only make one thread for each topic.

Mon Oct 04, 2004 7:17 am

You have screenies of some really stupid neopians there, I especially liked the one about the person who claimed that he was not a newbie because he had a 3-year-old account, but forgot the *username*. Lol, I can understand forgettnig your password, but username? That person is really a noooob.

Mon Oct 04, 2004 2:12 pm

a usable page counter for neopets can be found at

It's the one I use for my shop.

Mon Oct 04, 2004 10:25 pm

Thanks guys! And I HAVE forgotten my screenname before 0.o
They MIGHT have an old account, but I was angry,so what do you expect?

Yeah, They must be even funnier then I tohughrt, since I have two third place prizes and a 1st place prize. 0:)

MattEdit: Double posts combined. Please don't do so in futre.

I'm making more screenies tonight.
Sorry :cry:
Topic locked