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PLushie Tycoon?

Fri Aug 06, 2004 9:08 pm

IT gives out avatars and you could get a trophy. doesn't everyone want to play it? SO why is it that only a couple of people are able to become tycoons? well are there any reasons?

I also have a question on plushie tycoon. When you completed a job and you are waiting for it to load, do you still have to have hired workers to load it into your warehouse? I'm just asking that because I don't want to waste money.

Fri Aug 06, 2004 9:21 pm

The reason that everyone doesn't play it is simple; it's a time consuming game. You HAVE to be online from 9-5 (or whenever your stuff is being loaded), you HAVE to fire and hire at precise times... I've tried a few times and always went broke. I love the premise of the game... I'm just not good with schedules. :D

Fri Aug 06, 2004 10:03 pm

I still have one question though, do you have to have workers to load plushie?

Fri Aug 06, 2004 10:12 pm

it's a time consuming game. You HAVE to be online from 9-5 (or whenever your stuff is being loaded), you HAVE to fire and hire at precise times

So true, however I got around it by setting my timezone a couple hours behind so that I could do it after work and such :P Once I broke a mil (actually, once all my plushies sold I broke 3 mil) I just stopped playing sinc it was enough for th avatar and trophy.

And no, you don't need workers to load plushies. Fire them all after they are done making them :D

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Fri Aug 06, 2004 10:31 pm

i was in the hiscores once.. but that was before they had the avvie and all.. well.. it was my dad who was playin.. lol he was like a bussiness man so he found the game intrestin.. it all started when i asked him for advice and he took over the game from me.. lol hmph

Fri Aug 06, 2004 10:37 pm

Check again...
I remember a few months ago, almost the entire highscore board had reached 1 million, which is the highest you could go in the game, or at least according the that HSboard . (theres another one, but i'm not sure what its for exactly)

And about the workers, they complete a job at a minute past the hour, once they are done fire all of them.

Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:17 pm

but do you need the owrkers to load the plushies yo your warehouse?

Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:32 pm

Can someone give me the guide that Jazz_invencible wrote about Plushie Tycoon in Neopian Times?

Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:00 am

Yes, I play plushie tycoon. For some future info - Buzz I think are selling 109np per plushie. You might want to make those instead. 10k per 100 batch of plushies is very profitable. And Triscooter's ( petpage has step by step instruction on plushie tycoon. It's really handy for beginners.

And another tip- Fire the workers after their job is done, it's a waste of NP. You don't want to spend 40k a day just for the workers do you? Remember that you need to pay for that one pesky manager. You can't fire him however. When will they realize we are the owners :roll:?

About your warehouse- Maw out your warehouse immediatly once you start to play. It helps and you only need to wait a half hour for it to be done. And it's very worth it too.

Quick basic step instruction-

1) Create a store and rent everything you need to rent
2) Max out your warehouse
3) Purchase some raw material for your workship. (To make Buzz you need to buy 3 green cloth, 1 Rare gem of Buzz, 1 Velvet bag, and 1 neocotton)
4) Start a job and select Buzz as your neopets plushie
5) Hire a few hundred workers (remember that they cost alot per day so make sure you fire them after the last hourly update is done) Fire after your workers once they finished all the jobs you placed in.
6) They should be done by now so the plushies are shipped to your warehouse. Now that you maxed out your warehouse, it only takes an easy 1/2 hour for it to be shipped to your store.
7) Upgrade the upgrades and Advertisements. It helps you get more cosumers to buy the plushies
8) Do NOTHING until all the plushies are sold
9) After they're all sold you should have alot of money on your hand hopefully.
10) Repeat- ALWAYS REPEAT. :evil:

It's the pay check is what really gets me going. 1 million in np you get 100,000 np at the end of the month. Work hard and experiment right is what you should do. Follow the 10 step procedure is what I do and be sure to be on at neopets at your time.

Good luck and you may tweak the steps if you wish. They're just how I play the plushie tycoon game. :D

Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:30 am

I play it just for the NPs, you really need to be online for 8 hours, for like 2 or 3 weeks. I can do that since I can sneak up every hour to do my tweaking in my PT store. I haven't started this month's game, though, as I want things to start on a Monday.

You get 25K in nps, bronze trophy and avatar for getting at least 50,001 in the game. More than a million NPs in the game, it can award you the gold trophy and 100,000 nps.

They changed a lot in the game now, so it is quite a struggle in a while. I almost get bankrupt, but manages to recover. I ranked 128 last month. My best rank was #25 with a COH (cash on hand) of more than 33 million.

Sat Aug 07, 2004 7:07 pm

Hey, umm I have another qustion. What's the best plushie to make?
and what is the best employees to pick?

Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:40 pm

hynfaeries0 wrote:Hey, umm I have another qustion. What's the best plushie to make?
and what is the best employees to pick?

My guess for the best plushie is the Buzz. I haven't experimented on any other plushies though. Draiks however were last month's highest selling plushie. (only 90np per plushie o_O)

I actually disagree with you on that one, Plushie tycoon is MUCH easier now. It's kind of hard on the first few days but it get's much much easier once you progress. And it's pretty simple to get 1 million np in PT. All you need is to be on at the correct time, have a calculator is you need and to top it all off, have fun whilst at it.

For the best workers- Stick with Trainee's. They are in between all of the other workers and should not be a bad choice. The journeymen are a waste of time and money however.

Mon Aug 09, 2004 11:42 pm

does anyone know the prices for a green, neopian times, paperbag grundo cost per plushie?

Sun Aug 22, 2004 8:02 am

I'm just starting and find this game interesting. I can usually get the first 6 loads up and running and sold then die HElP :D

Prices will very from up date to up date so you'll want to watch and get them when prices are down

Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:30 am

Wow... 33m is such a lot and I thought I am not doing too bad this month (I have just over 3m).

I make Green Zafara, the selling price is 114NP, probably a bit better than Buzz (an extra cloth cost 100-250NP, but you get 500NP more in proceeds).
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