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Re: Daily Dare 2017

Tue Mar 28, 2017 2:17 pm

Hmm.. Chadley is 96,809 for Whirlpool. Could this actually be a challenge? We shall see.

Re: Daily Dare 2017

Tue Mar 28, 2017 5:07 pm

Using a guide, without even trying too hard to be accurate, I got over 111k. Had I realized how important it was to block the glowing anemones (i.e., actually refreshed myself on the rules), I'd have gotten a lot higher.

Re: Daily Dare 2017

Tue Mar 28, 2017 6:37 pm

Blue, I guess I can eat my words. :oops: I wasn't expecting them to actually put a reasonable score up! JN's guide is pretty good, though you have to kinda figure out how fast to move them on your own. I followed it this time, and upped my all-time high score by 3k!

Re: Daily Dare 2017

Wed Mar 29, 2017 4:15 am

No worries, Pickles. I did not really have a chance to sit down and play until just now. With the walkthrough, I nailed 113,790 first time. Done 8)

Re: Daily Dare 2017

Wed Mar 29, 2017 10:24 am

Awesome, Blue!

I managed nearly 3 times Chadley's score rushing through Usul Suspects today. I'm fairly certain I was well over his score the first time I practiced it a few days ago, too. I know Viacom started it, but JS has taken the participation trophy-level mindset to a whole new level.

It is not an improvement.

Re: Daily Dare 2017

Wed Mar 29, 2017 4:09 pm

Glad you made it, Blue!

@Siniri: I agree. It is definitely not an improvement. I was hoping maybe they were starting to take it seriously yesterday with AAA's score being actually reasonably high, but...a difference of 20 points between the two is pathetic. Chadley's score isn't even high enough to earn 500nps off, and is before the game really takes off (you don't start getting the green usuls until a perfect score of 109). Just for grins, I played it seriously, and blew my old high score out of the water.

It's no wonder Abi's prizes are so expensive. With so little effort to beat Chadley on most of these, why settle for the lower score? I'll bet the Abi trophy is going to be rather rare this year...

ETA: Holy cow. Has anyone else seen today's Day/Date prize battledome stats? It's 3 physical and 10 water, PLUS blocks up to 5 Fire!

Re: Daily Dare 2017

Wed Mar 29, 2017 11:03 pm

A 13-icon dual duty just for beating Abi's (presumably even more pathetic than Chadley's) score today? Ridiculous. Weapons aren't worth anything anymore. It makes hard work in past plots kind of meaningless now. I mean, I worked how hard for my YYBs, and now I could get an even better weapon just for 30 seconds of playing a Flash game?

Re: Daily Dare 2017

Thu Mar 30, 2017 12:50 am

Holy Mackerel. a 13-icon dual duty for 60 seconds? That's what it just took me to beat Chadley... With a truly pathetic score, I might add. I'm actually a bit embarrassed by the my low submission, but it still easily beat Chadley. 105? Sad.

I, too, remember working hard for the YYB (and worked hard to earn the NP to buy a 2nd one before the price exploded). The Water Powered Pistol is currently on the TP for about 115k. Sheesh.

Re: Daily Dare 2017

Thu Mar 30, 2017 10:04 am

I submitted a score for today's a few days ago, and it's still being reviewed. I'm confident it was over Chadley's, but now I'm wondering what the score required for reviewing is. I don't want to play the game and get too high a score again. Hopefully the review score is above his, since TNT has a several-day backlog of scores already. (I really don't understand why mine was even considered high enough for review...)

Re: Daily Dare 2017

Thu Mar 30, 2017 2:41 pm

I sent a score of just over 1300, and it was reviewed, but my score of 1246 was not. Reviewed or not, my over 1300 score shows on the DD page (though I sent one in the low 1200's before I noticed this).

Another day down...

Re: Daily Dare 2017

Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:59 pm

Thanks, Pickles. I played out the game and didn't worry about my score. They should really raise the score needed for review, though - it seems much too low.

Re: Daily Dare 2017

Fri Mar 31, 2017 2:18 am

I sent a score of ~1500 the other night which was "being reviewed" but never came through. I figured it might be because I started the game before midnight and finished after midnight.

Re: Daily Dare 2017

Sat Apr 01, 2017 3:53 am

Today's was easy, but I submitted my score before completing the game. I guess I'm proof that if you make a challenge too easy, people will eventually lower their performance to match your diminished expectations.

Re: Daily Dare 2017

Sat Apr 01, 2017 7:33 am

Siniri wrote:Today's was easy, but I submitted my score before completing the game. I guess I'm proof that if you make a challenge too easy, people will eventually lower their performance to match your diminished expectations.

I have to admit that I did the same. My recent high scores on games I do not usually play appear to be just above AAA and/or Sadley. er. Chadley

Re: Daily Dare 2017

Sat Apr 01, 2017 11:58 am

Ugh. A keyboard-intensive game is not fun 12 hours after a high-intensity 2.5-hour rock climbing session. As soon as I finished the round in which I got over Chad's score, I sent it. Not even remotely tempted to play anymore, especially since my right hand started cramping halfway through that round.

On the plus side, yesterday was an incredibly awesome climbing session. I had four different things that would have made it a "wow, that was a great day" - and the last one was at a "great climbing MONTH" level (I finally figured out all the moves in a bouldering route - I'd been stuck on a move halfway through the route for nearly two months, and finally started getting it more often than not about two weeks ago after hundreds of attempts - with a little advice from a friend - but yesterday was the first time I was able to actually move on beyond that move, AND the first time I was able to do that move within the route instead of in isolation - and that was when I was already pretty tired from the other 3 successes! So I know that I will get the route the next time I climb fresh - which will be the second route I complete at the third (of four) difficulties in my gym, which will solidify the feeling that I've "leveled up" as a climber. I thought that might happen today, but I'm sore in so many muscles, it'll have to be another day, I think...)
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